Welcome to the New and Improved
We hope you like our new look!
Out with the Old
In with the New
In with the New
For those of you who wondered where we went,
and for those of you who just now found us,
You just took another step off of the beaten path
Here today ~ Here to stay
Tell us what you liked and disliked about the old "BiteYourOwnTail"
What will get and hold your attention?
What new features or categories would you like to see,
either occasionally or on a regularly scheduled basis?
Was there a particular "thing", category, special guest, theme, subject, or
anything else that you can remember that you would like to see here again?
Write and let us know what you think.
We'll post your idea on the front page.
Name and email hidden if requested.
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It's more fun than watching a dog run in circles!
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We do not sell, rent, loan, trade, or in any other way
knowingly disclose any identifying information
about you to anyone for any reason.
Also coming soon
Stay ahead of the hungry pack, BeYourOwnDog
Just for the ladies, now you can BeYourOwnBitch
GetOffMyAss and BiteYourOwnAss